How To Cut Stained Glass By Tapping

You can see from this video that the tapping method is extremely useful in certain circumstances.

But what about the times that it’s not the best choice of technique?

The tapping method is not good for:

1. Routine cutting and breaking.
It is far better to use your thumbs or either cut running or grozer/breaker pliers than to resort to tapping all the time.
This is because tapping will create an uneven edge that will then need grozing or grinding.

2. Very narrow strips.
It is difficult to use the tapping method when the score is very close to the edge of the glass as you can easily break the strip by a misplaced tap.
You would be better off using the breaking pliers to snap and pull a strip apart.

This video the most difficult shape of the ‘Tapping’ video series.

You can see the easy and medium videos by going here for Number 1 (easy) and here for Number 2 (medium)

11 thoughts on “How To Cut Stained Glass By Tapping”

  1. Thank you so much Milly! What a GEM of a program you have here! I will be trying what I learned soon! I feel you are an answer to prayer for help! Your instructions are so helpful and clearly explained!

  2. I have been doing stained glass for years. I am self taught by reading books and making lots of mistakes! Even though I have been doing it for so long I learn some little trick to make my cutting, soldering, foiling better with every one of these videos. Well done!

    • Thanks Donna! I’m still learning too, it never stops. One of the best things about stained glass, you never get bored 🙂

  3. Very helpful and clearly explained – thank you!. Now to practice as I haven’t quite got the knack yet of crying glass!

    • Hi Wynn, thanks for commenting. It does take a little bit of practice; start off by tapping gently and see how much pressure you need to open the score. Different glass needs different pressure. Good luck!

  4. Pingback: 3 Best Times To Tap When Cutting Stained Glass -

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