How To Frame With Stained Glass Zinc Came
Stained Glass Zinc Frame A stained glass zinc came frame is a good option for the edges of your panel. This is for a couple of reasons. If you have a heavier panel that needs … (read more)
In this section you’ll find all the step-by-step stained glass tutorials on both the Copper Foil Technique and Lead Came Construction, Glass Cutting and Design and Pattern Prep, Framing and Hanging, Fusing and Decorative Techniques.
Find tips and tricks to help you achieve a beautifully smooth soldered seam. You’ll discover how to get a lovely rounded edge on your sun catchers and how to fill in unsightly gaps.
Patina and Polish is the last step and the one that truly makes your stained glass stand out. Find out how to achieve a gorgeous uniform finish and see your work gleam.
Don’t end up with stacks of stained glass gathering dust in a cupboard. Find out how to Frame and Add Hooks so that your beautiful work takes centre stage.
Stained Glass Zinc Frame A stained glass zinc came frame is a good option for the edges of your panel. This is for a couple of reasons. If you have a heavier panel that needs … (read more)
How to Make Light Pass Through Glass Using Fiber Optics Have you ever wanted to have tiny spots of really, REALLY bright light (thinks stars or eyes) in your stained glass? It’s notoriously difficult to … (read more)
Make a Light Box in 15 Minutes A light box is crucial to high quality stained glass work if natural light is not an option. They allow you to assess the colours of the glass … (read more)
A Beginner’s Guide from a Seasoned Pro Hey there, fellow stained glass enthusiasts! After nearly a decade of selling stained glass at US craft fairs, Bette Playford has picked up masses of tricks to turn … (read more)
Cutting stained glass is not something you want to do quickly just for the sake of it. But if you have a deadline or lots of repeated orders there are tricks to make cutting faster. … (read more)
What REALLY makes a smooth solder seam? You all know that lumpy solder seam feeling. You try and TRY to improve your stained glass soldering techniques but STILL you can’t get a nice smooth finish. Well … (read more)
Methods For Repairing Broken Stained Glass Fixing broken stained glass is a necessary evil. With glass as a material breakages are inevitable. You know the scenario; you’re happily soldering away on your latest piece only … (read more)
How To Make An LED Backlight For A Stained Glass Panel Backlighting is a great way to display your stained glass as it creates an even and controlled environment both day and night. It eliminates … (read more)
Improve Your Stained Glass Cutting Technique There are lots of factors that result in an accurate stained glass cutting technique. The angle of the cutter head, the pressure and consistency to name a few. You know … (read more)
Designing With Stained Glass Circles Do you ever design panels that include stained glass letters and circles, only to realise that the lead (or solder) line chops part of the letter or circle off? It’s … (read more)
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