stained glass bee

Kick Start your Creativity

Like stained glass bees, daisies and cacti? Get inspiration from Reader’s Work and start designing your own unique panels.

Window number6 at Fairford

Feel the power of stained glass

See inside some of the most exciting church stained glass windows and experience that unmistakeable ‘wow’ feeling.

stained glass art penny somerville

Be inspired by 3 Top Glass Artists

Explore the stories and thoughts behind three of the most exciting glass artists working in the UK today.

Readers Gallery Summer 2024

Look at the wonderful stained glass my talented followers have made over 2023/4. Gasp. Each year the Gallery of Marvellousness is jam-packed with high level skill, ingenuity and creativity. This year is no exception. From … (read more)

Stained Glass Pictures

Each year I ask my online students for a photo of their favourite stained glass project of the year. The one picture of the work they’re most proud of. Just look what they’ve come up … (read more)

Stained Glass Panel Images

Hubbit* Gallery 2022 My online students have truly excelled themselves this year. 2022’s gallery is SO inspiring.  There are 66 – SIXTY SIX – mistress/masterpieces of the Best of 2022. They each chose the piece … (read more)

Amber Hiscott Stained Glass

Amber Hiscott is a stained glass artist who has inspired me from WAY back when I was just starting out. I loved the movement in her work and bold use of colour. Back then she … (read more)

Andrew Moor Art Glass

My love of stained glass started with Andrew Moor’s book ‘Contemporary Stained Glass’. I was amazed by the variation and possibilities of glass. Even if we don’t do HUGE architectural projects like these below, we … (read more)

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