Readers Gallery Summer 2024

Look at the wonderful stained glass my talented followers have made over 2023/4. Gasp.

Each year the Gallery of Marvellousness is jam-packed with high level skill, ingenuity and creativity. This year is no exception.

From fishes to mountains, sun catchers to large windows, 3-D to mixed media – there is absolutely EVERYTHING on display here.

Thanks so much to all my readers who sent their fabulous stained glass images in. Iโ€™m just sorry I couldnโ€™t include them all.

Donโ€™t forget to Comment below with reactions and questions; artists need an audience to engage with – and you are it ๐Ÿ˜Š

Question: How Does Andy achieve his decorative lines?

He uses Pebeo 160 glass paint and bakes in an oven at 325 degrees for 40 minutes. To get the fine lines, he uses a needle applicator. The designs I employ are Mandela and Zentangle.ย Thanks for the clarification Andy ๐Ÿ™‚

15 thoughts on “Readers Gallery Summer 2024”

  1. Thank you for sharing these beautiful unique pieces of stained glass creations. Such talented folks really do inspire us & give us โ€œlittle guysโ€ hope for continuing stained glass creations of our own.

    • There are foilers you can buy Harmina. I’ve never got on with them but lots of people would never do without them. See if you can try one out before investing – you might love it or hate it ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. These are all truly amazing! Obviously, some are created to look like a photograph. Where does one learn to draft patterns from photographs?

  3. Wow, what an amazing and versatile collection. It has been interesting to see how the designs have evolved over the years that I have belonged to this group.

  4. Milly, you are so right, there are some truly marvelous works here!!! If these things don’t inspire a person, then I’m not sure anything can.

  5. All of the intricate delicate and tedious work in these pieces is amazing. I wonder how many hours total for the whole gallery. The immensity of those windows shows beyond all doubt the skill of these workers. Of course, look at their instructor. Well done.

    • Sadly I can’t take credit for these Debbie ๐Ÿ™ These are from my talented readers… some are my students but their talent is their own ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. For Terry Carstens:

    Wow! loved your piece on Milly’s latest gallery in her newsletter.
    You have obviously learned well … your design is
    inspired and your craftsmanship (No offense meant
    at all – I perhaps should have said ‘technical ability”) is excellent.
    Keep up the good work!


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