Stained Glass Inspiration – Student & Reader’s Gallery

3D piano for stained glass inspiration

Get stained glass inspiration APLENTY from these amazing images. I think you’ll agree that my students and readers are The Most Talented Bunch Out There 🙂
Colours, textures, techniques – they have it all at their creative fingertips.

If you want to make 3D stained glass there’s a Gallery especially for you below. Watch out for Cinderella’s carriage!

It’s my pleasure to share their work with you. I’m sure you’ll get as much stained glass inspiration from it as I do.

Latest Readers Stained Glass

My oh MY, do I have some stained glass Marvellousness with a capital ‘M’ to share with you this summer.

‘Wow’ is all I can say about the talent displayed here. Each and every one brings something to admire.

Thank you to all my lovely readers for sending images; your work is inspirational.

Milly’s Student Gallery 2021

Here you can find my student’s favourite piece from 2021. I don’t know what they’ve been eating but it really has been an incredible year stained glass wise. Enough from me… let their work transport you into a creative 2022.

Reader’s Work

Here’s another stunning selection of Reader’s work, sent in over 2021. A feast for your eyes!

Inspired Stained Glass 3D Work from Readers

Along with 3D work there is some gorgeous mixed media mistresspieces here.
Have you thought of adding different materials to your stained glass? If not, these images will inspire you I’m sure.

If that’s not enough inspiration for you, there’s more over here:

Images of Stained Glass – Fabulous Work From Readers

Stained Glass Work by Readers

47 thoughts on “Stained Glass Inspiration – Student & Reader’s Gallery”

  1. Absolutely stunning creations! All of them! The talent in this group never ceases to delight my eyes & thrill my heart. Thank you Ms Milly for the creating the wonderful galleries for all of us marvel over & enjoy time & time again.

    • Thank YOU Susan for all you do to support this venture – none so more as your wonderful encouragement for the artists 🙂

  2. The artworks is truly beautiful. It is pleasing to see what so many talented and creative individuals can accomplish.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. What an amazing display of creativity and talent! Milly, thank YOU so very much for your website, newsletters and sharing of information and your talented students’ work! I am self taught and have learned a great deal from you and your students work, not to mention just the inspiration you trigger! What a talented, inspiring, and wonderful human being you are! Thank YOU so much for sharing!

    • I’m blushing Bonnie, thank you 🙂 I couldn’t do it without everyone ‘out there’, not only my wonderful students but supporters like your good self, cheering from the sidelines.

  4. What a way to start a day! All the talent is amazing and, yes, very inspirational. Thank you to all the artists for sharing and you for all the hours you must spend putting the galleries together. To heck with breakfast, I’m going down to my studio 🤗

  5. These pieces by all your students and followers are a beautiful testament not only to you but to the many, unique manners in which this medium allows and encourages creativity. Bravo to all the creators!

    • Yes; SO many different ways to be a stained glass artist Maggie. That’s why we love it so much 🙂
      Glad you found it inspiring.

  6. I absolutely love these. Did you create the patterns or did your students create them. There are a few that I’d love to make and need to know how to go about getting the pattern for them.

    • My students are such a talented bunch aren’t they Dawn 🙂
      They found patterns or designed the work themselves. I normally note when they’ve designed it themselves on the rollover on the images.

  7. Thanks for sharing ALL the beautiful stained-glass projects. With all this rain, I needed something to inspire me.

  8. Milly, Thanks for sharing. This gives me more ideas for more glass! So many projects and not enough time. Stained Glass is my sanctuary!

    • ‘sanctuary’, what a fantastic way to describe what stained glass is to us. Thanks Sherry, have a creative new year 🙂

  9. Thank you Milly for allowing me to be a part of you readers gallery. I am honored. I started working with stained glass just about 2 and 1/2 years ago after I realized it was the ONLY thing that would put my PTSD to bed. Before it came along, I really didnt know how many more nightmares and breakdowns it would take before I would “checkout” honestly. At almost the same time I found you and your students. I have been completely self taught with the exception of your emails. No official classes yet but I’m hopefully getting close to being able to do so. I want to tell you thanks and to your amazing students for all the art and inspiration but more so, in all honesty to ALL of you, thank you all for giving me a reason not to give up and wake up another day. All of you have saved my life, you may not understand. As I type this comment my eyes are blurred from tears, tears of joy and not knowing where I would be right now without it or spell check so that you all can read this comment lol. Very seriously if any of you know anyone that is suffering from PTSD introduce them the your world of glass. You may save another life. Thank you Milly you are amazing.

    • Oh that’s such a moving, honest and open letter Jeff. Thank you so much for trusting us all to write it. It’s comments like this that make my work even more worthwhile. I’m so glad you found stained glass – and us!
      Take care and have a lovely holiday.

    • Jeff, I’m glad you have found inspiration and solice in your new found hobby. I also was self taught, from a book in the local library and have found peace many, many evenings over the last 45 years

  10. There is a lot of wonderful work here. There all lovely I love looking at everyone’s work. Thank you Milly for the gallery.

    • You know first hand how much talent is in my pool of students, being one yourself Kathy 🙂 It’s lovely to see it all gathered up in one place, very impressive!

      • Thank you so much Milly. I have truly learned a lot from all your classes that I have taken. After Christmas I can get on with my Lead class. Again thank you so much.

  11. Millie thanks us, but we thank her for sharing such creative wisdom! She is so good at answering questions and offering great help!

    • Aw, thanks Bill, that’s kind of you. I’m hiding behind and being boosted by my students’ talent in this particular instance though LOL!

  12. Thank you to all of your students for showing their work. I must also thank Suzanne Vickery for her yacht. I bought a box of off cuts from the Reading stain glass shop and made several yachts from pieces that needed no cutting. Mine were just hung on clear thread but Suzannes’s use of a large pebble was so inventive.
    I enjoy your emails even though I have not done any glass work for a few years.
    Thank you
    Lesley Brough

    • I love that pebble and yacht too Lesley! So glad you were inspired by it. It opens up all sorts of ideas for what to attach stained glass to… your quest for 2022 🙂

  13. Thank you, Millie for being there for us! As a reader, I truly enjoy – and appreciate – your tips and advice that you share, as well as the galleries. All so very helpful for those of us journeying on our own to learn such a wonderful skill. Your blogs are both inspiring and very useful. You should be proud of the following you have built of readers and students alike, and for the amazing talent you help to inspire and foster. I’m so glad I found you almost two years ago! Have a wonderful holiday and a very safe and happy new year!

    • Thanks so much Polly, that means an awful lot to me. I love my job! I get vicarious pleasure from my students work and all the ‘strokes’ I get along the way are a lot to do with their contributions.
      You too, have a lovely holiday and new year.

  14. I’m so impressed by the talent of the people who posted photos of their work. A lot of time and effort spent on creating beautiful pieces of art. Well done!
    I’m inspired. My New Year’s resolution is to develop my glass creativity in 2022.

    • Yay! I’ll get my students to read all these comments so they can see they’ve inspired you 🙂 Have creative fun in 2022.

    • That’s an interesting idea Fran, thanks. I don’t have any stained glass house tutorials in mind but I’m sure there are such things on the Internet if you have a snoop about. Good luck 🙂

  15. WOW!!! These pieces are truly amazing. There certainly are a lot of very talented and skilled stained glass artists in this group. So inspirational.


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