Zebra Glass Painting Designs

Quick Firing For Paint

Firing Paint Quickly in a Kiln Zebra Glass Painting Designs I know that I have fired painted glass ramping up from room temp to 1250F/676C degrees in 35 min. I would then turn off the kiln … (read more)

Shaded patterns on yellow glass

Stained Glass Paint Queries

Stained Glass Painting Answers Kiln Firing Program For Stained Glass Green Man Painting I just bought a new glass kiln. All of the pre-programmed firing schedules are for fused or slumped glass and seem very slow. … (read more)

Slumped shell in mould

Fusing Questions Answered

Slumping and Fusing Answers Firing Produces Honeycomb Effect I did some fused glass with some orange Spectrum glass in my kiln a little while ago, at the same time some blue Artista glass. The kiln … (read more)

Slumping and Fusing Questions

Answers to Common Slumping Problems Is my glass stressed out? I have been producing small pieces of slumped float glass in under 2 hours. They have survived successfully but I can see light brown colors … (read more)

Mark Angus demonstration

Firing Stained Glass Question

Can You Fire Regular Stained Glass? Mark Angus demonstration I originally started doing stained glass before kiln work becme popular so of course I have lots of scrap glass. I purchased a kiln hoping to use … (read more)

Slightly opaque glass

Acid Etching Questions

Answers to Etching Questions Can etching be done at home? We have been asked to restore eight Victorian stained glass panels from a house in Southport, Lancashire UK. The majority of the work is simple … (read more)

Silkscreened white glass

Etching Glass Questions

Etching Glass Questions Answered How Can I Get Screenprinted Etching Cream Even? Silkscreened white glass I want to know how to silk screen etching cream an even white. Generally I use abf powder with water … (read more)

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