stained glass bee

Kick Start your Creativity

Like stained glass bees, daisies and cacti? Get inspiration from Reader’s Work and start designing your own unique panels.

Window number6 at Fairford

Feel the power of stained glass

See inside some of the most exciting church stained glass windows and experience that unmistakeable ‘wow’ feeling.

stained glass art penny somerville

Be inspired by 3 Top Glass Artists

Explore the stories and thoughts behind three of the most exciting glass artists working in the UK today.

colourful round stained glass window

Round Stained Glass Window Story

Here’s an uplifting stained glass story from John Adams. This window was only his THIRD project. Pretty inspiring, eh? John’s Story I am a hobbyist in an Orlando, Florida, a USA suburb. A woodworking buddy … (read more)

Stained Glass Paintings

Just glass and lead = stained glass. Just glass and foil = stained glass. But glass and paint = stained glass paintings! It’s not that they are better than stained glass, but they are certainly … (read more)

pink and blue handmade glass

Glass Blowing Film

If you have a spare 10 minutes you will love this short film. It’s set to a jazz sound track and documents a series of blokes working in a glass factory in the Netherlands in … (read more)

Stained Glass Window Art

Don’t you just love this? The lace curtain is first screen printed with white enamel, then heated up in the kiln to take the shape of the curtain. The window is lead came and the … (read more)

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