Improve your Stained Glass Soldering here

Find tips and tricks to help you achieve a beautifully smooth soldered seam. You’ll discover how to get a lovely rounded edge on your sun catchers and how to fill in unsightly gaps.

stained glass patina instructions

A Sparkling Finish is yours

Patina and Polish is the last step and the one that truly makes your stained glass stand out. Find out how to achieve a gorgeous uniform finish and see your work gleam.

squared stained glass dolphin panel

Hang your stained glass work with pride

Don’t end up with stacks of stained glass gathering dust in a cupboard. Find out how to Frame and Add Hooks so that your beautiful work takes centre stage.

Hakko stained glass soldering iron dial

Stained Glass Soldering Temperature

Stained glass soldering temperature is something I get asked about a LOT. Here are answers to common questions. Stained Glass Soldering Temperature Questions Temperatures For The Hakko FX-601 The temperature you need for soldering a … (read more)

soldering iron soldering stained glass

Stained Glass Soldering Problems

Soldering Problems – Quick Tips Nothing is more annoying than spending hours designing, cutting and assembling a piece, only to feel disappointed at the end because stained glass soldering problems have spoilt the final finish. Here … (read more)

showing how to make a hanger for a stained glass panel with a zinc frame

Adding Hooks to Stained Glass

Making Jump Rings And Adding Hooks to Stained Glass These stained glass instructions show you how to make and solder hooks on to a zinc frame. It uses a simple, nearly invisible method of adding hooks … (read more)

stained glass butterfly garden project

Stained Glass Garden Stake

Make this butterfly stained glass garden stake and add a flash of colour to your garden. It can stay outside in all but the most extreme weather – in which case bring it inside temporarily. … (read more)

Drilling Holes In Glass

Drilling glass is easy and doesn’t need expensive equipment. Find out how to drill holes with a grinder. Includes helpful videos.

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